Friday, December 28, 2007

so ladies would you offer him your #?

I've always been fascinated with the whole aspect around 'picking' up women.
The ripe old adage is often said that the most important deciding factor in successfully getting a girl's digits is to make a favorable & lasting impression.
Women simply abhor men with no confidence, it's as simple as that.
You could be a drop dead gorgeous hunk of man meat, but if you have no substance to go with your looks, then forget about ever hooking up with a women. Step your game up and stop whining cause looks will only get your foot inside the door whereas personality "seals the deal" so to speak.
Now feast your eyes on a guy who has the innate ability in attracting women with his unique sense of humor.

I give to you the 'funny', dun dun dun..

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Squirrel just chillin..

Awww.. what a cute little squirrel. Don't squirrels usually stay as far away possible from humans? Its sort of refreshing to a domesticated one that isn't afraid of people.
I wonder if this squirrel knew it was being filmed. Undoubtedly, what was truly a peculiar site is how it lay on the cement like it was dead. Was it practicing or simply showing off his survival tactics? He gives new meaning to "survival of the fittest"

Monday, November 12, 2007

New ROC member Jadakiss' blunder

Apparently, Jadakiss couldn't remember some lyrics but what makes this story more tragic is the fact that it was his own verse. Talk about WHACK.. How could this happen to one of hip-hops most lyrical rappers? Well.. considering he's been on the "down-low" could the newly found spotlight be too much too soon? Whatever the case may be, one things for certain.. Rocafella founder/CEO "Jay-Z" surely wasn't impressed after hand picking this new recruit personally. We'll have to see how this unfolds, so stay tuned folks!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Some guys dancing like maniacs!!

No wonder these dudes are dancing alone. With a plethora of chicks around what sane self respecting woman would want to dance with these weirdos. Surely they don't expect any woman to "dig" their corny dance moves. This video is good for one thing only.. a good laugh. ENJOY!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Eva Longoria's Ugly Teeth!!

Who would have thunk that Desperate Housewife's star Eva Longoria's bottom set of grills are crooked as a politician is. I wonder what hubby professional basketball player for the San Antonio Spurs - Tony Parker thinks.. As a matter of fact, probably
not much. Crooked teeth and all, what guy wouldn't date this bombshell? I for one
would give anything to be with her. Despite the crookedness, its nothing a dentist couldn't fix.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I just stumbled
upon this video on another website that I regularly browse. Those crazy Japanese keep on stepping it up with all their weird pranks and whatnot. I love it because it seems each video I come across seems to be more messed up than the previous ones. Nothing like watching a Japanese YouTube video to brighten a dull, depressing, boring day. I'll state for the record that America's Funniest Home Videos have nothing on the Japanese prank YouTube Videos. Honestly, where do they come up with these ideas.. I doubt I could come up with some of these bizarre pranks if my life depended on it. It is for this reason why I love Japanese culture. They're so whacky its funny. I love the Japanese culture, I really do!

Monday, October 29, 2007

There's good in everyone

I believe that God intended for humans to learn about life so he planted us on earth so we could do just that. People need to learn compassion because its something thats sorrily lacking these days. Everyones off in their own little cyber world with the technological boom suppressing the youth whilst divided from their elders. Take for instance the internet.. The mighty ol' internet. It has become an essential platform in todays society which humans rely on. We rest on its laurels but gosh forbid if it vanished, I dare say the plight of the world would take a turn for the worse. It would be a terrible hit to the world's economy and mass hysteria would later ensue. Anyways, why can't people be more aware and honest instead of harboring such resentful attitudes towards each other. We're all couped up like office workers in cubicles like some trained monkeys. Enjoy the fresh air, sniff the daisy's, explore the world or how about engage in a riveting excursion to the Taj Mahal, Mt. Everest or the African Safari. Make a difference in this world as one person's action is step in the right direction. My outlook on life has changed ten fold in the wake of recent events. Though life will always be a mystery, it doesn't negate the fact I'll make the most of each day like its my last.